The "2 Client Approach." We had a great conversation on our last Zoom call about the 2 Client Approach for our sports and entertainment clients. This month, we will have a great guest speaker from the Los Angeles Dodgers Foundation that you won't want to miss. Lastly, the first quarter is officially over and get ready for the rest of the year to fly by too. Stay dialed in for more SES networking, online events and speakers, and YES, in-person events! This is going to be a year of growth and expansion for our members and we are excited to support that journey.
-Kofi Nartey and The Sports and Entertainment Society Team
AP News
ABC News
Luxury Travel Magazine

Amalfi Coast: Luxury Experiences in one of the world’s most sought-after destinations
Located in the beating heart of southern Italy, Amalfi Coast is a one-of-a-kind destination. This place feels like time has stopped there. You’ll still be able to see cars and scooters from the 50s, cheekily flying around the small alleys and intricate coastal roads. The scenery is very traditional and picturesque, but Amalfi is home to some of the most incredible luxury experiences you could dream of. The world-famous Santa Caterina hotel is one of them. I had the opportunity to spend several nights in this beautiful establishment with my wife last summer, and our stay was unforgettable.
It cracks me up every time I hear someone talk about wanting to be the only person within their field of business in a networking group. I can’t believe that some people still come from such a place of lack trying to make sure that they are the only option. They miss out on so much more and the chance to really grow their business and if taking care of the client is truly their number one focus then they better network with people from other companies in the same field.

What is the most effective strategy for connecting with and encouraging your team?
I have found that its easiest to connect with my team through daily texts that set the tone for that day. This is a simple, short text that does not require a response. For example, if work needs to be done on a contract for a client, I’ll send something quick like, “I know you’ve the contract for client Doe handled, but if you need a second take on anything today before sending, I’m available.” I found this works great for tasks that the team and I have discussed.
In addition to small texts, my team and I also have summary/strategy calls whenever as needed. If an attorney I am working with needs some help, they text me their availability and we set up a call that day to discuss. I always welcome any questions. I also make myself available at a time that works best for the person seeking help.

Who is the best person you’ve worked for? Why?
For the majority of my 30-year career, I have been my own boss. Some days I love being the boss. Other days, it is a little lonely. I learned about hustling and the power of treating any position like you are the boss from John Soltis at Milliken & Company – one of the world’s largest textile companies. He was a bit of maverick with a tremendously committed work ethic. He approached every day like his sole job was to make sure new business flowed in to keep the lights on, even though we worked in one small business unit in a multi-million dollar company with thousands of employees. He always had a back-up plan for his back-up plan and taught me to be bold and confident in sharing my ideas. He showed me that I could use my position as the only woman at the table to make diversity a business asset. Because of his mentorship, many more women joined me at that table.

What criteria do you use to identify potential quality employees?
I use three primary criteria: 1) Understanding of the client's needs; 2) a focus on the client service rather than the "cool" factor; and 3) a positive outlook and an ability to avoid value-judgments for client actions.